Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138 - Sis

Yesterday I was spending the day in the basement while the one guy was installing the new AC and the painters were finishing up a couple of rooms upstairs.  The doorbell rings and I head up the stairs pass through the kitchen, down the short hallway, to the front door. Two young men, high-school age, were standing on the porch.  They gave me a short spiel about raising funds for their church by selling a raffle ticket for a Ford Fiesta and some coupons were included for $10.  I need a car and here it was, a sign from above!  I bought two tickets donating one back to the church.  Hey, I know God appreciated that and might just look a little more favorably on my name being drawn. Yeah I know you can't trick God, sigh.  Still, I wonder if He could add a supercharger to it so I can get out of the driveway!  Oh the coupons?  They are for Chick-fil -A, however my daughter says I can't eat there, so I will send them to a needy woman in Bakersfield California.

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